Matplotlib scatter plot with labels
Matplotlib scatter plot with labels

  1. #Matplotlib scatter plot with labels how to
  2. #Matplotlib scatter plot with labels install
  3. #Matplotlib scatter plot with labels code

# x,y = event.xdata,event. Is_vis = annot.get_visible() #check if an annotation is visible If event.inaxes != ax: #exit if mouse is not on figure H3 = ax.scatter(x3, 圓, color=colors, s=1)Īrtists = h1 + h2 + #concatenating lists

#Matplotlib scatter plot with labels code

,, marker='o', color='red')īased off Markus Dutschke" and "ImportanceOfBeingErnest", I (imo) simplified the code and made it more modular.Īlso this doesn't require additional packages to be installed. Here is the code: if showannote: for i in range (len (x)): annotetext annotes i 0 0 STKID ax.annotate (annotetext, xy (x i, y i), xytext (-10,3.

#Matplotlib scatter plot with labels how to

Names = np.array(list("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO")) I use matplotlib to plot a scatter chart: And label the bubble using a transparent box according to the tip at How to annotate point on a scatter automatically placed arrow. Sc = ax.scatter(tsne, tsne, c=label_subset, cmap=cmap)Īx.legend(*sc.Here is a code that uses a scatter and shows an annotation upon hovering over the scatter points.

matplotlib scatter plot with labels

#label_subset = ]Īx.scatter(pca, pca, c=label_subset, cmap=cmap) Idx = np.random.choice(range(pca.shape), sizelist, replace=False) plot x and y on scatter plot plt. Tsne = TSNE().fit_transform(PCA(n_components=1).fit_transform(data.todense())) To label each point on the scatter plot, use the () function for each point in the plot. Max_items = np.random.choice(range(data.shape), sizelist, replace=False) If you remove that line and keep a numeric label_subset and map it to colors using cmap= then everything works as expected def plot_tsne_pca(data, labels, sizelist, cmap='tab10'): But instead, you were passing a list of colors that you constructed by hand ( label_subset = ]). In your particular case, the code was not working because legend_elements() is meant to be used when you have a mapping between a numeric c= list and a colormap. Sc = ax.scatter(X_tsne, X_tsne, c=y, cmap='tab10')Īx.legend(*sc.legend_elements(), title='clusters') Tsne = manifold.TSNE(n_components=2, init='pca', random_state=0) See Automated legend creation for more details import matplotlib.pyplot as plt You can use legend_elements() to automatically return the lists of artists/labels (or a subset thereof) for legend creation.

matplotlib scatter plot with labels matplotlib scatter plot with labels

Label_subset = ]į, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 6))Īx.scatter(pca, pca, c=label_subset)Īx.scatter(tsne, tsne, c=label_subset) import matplotx x np.arange (1, 5) plt.plot (x, x1.5, label'Normal') plt.plot (x, x2, label'Quadratic') matplotx.linelabels () N.B.

#Matplotlib scatter plot with labels install

Idx = np.random.choice(range(pca.shape), size=3000, replace=False) If you want to show the labels next to the lines, there's a matplotlib extension package matplotx (can be installed via pip install matplotx all) that has a method that does that. Tsne = TSNE().fit_transform(PCA(n_components=50).fit_transform(data.todense())) Pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(data.todense()) Max_items = np.random.choice(range(data.shape), size=3000, replace=False) How do I add the legend to the plots? It is indistinguishable that which color corresponds to which cluster. How do I add legend to the plot over in my scenario? the parameter of text is the text = ansform(document) and the parameter of clusters are the unsupervised clusters ranging from 0 to 19 clusters and have their bag of words.

Matplotlib scatter plot with labels